#Spotify 美区🇺🇲Spotify premium家庭组,已开6年,现补1人,季付72.5(March-May),价格随汇率波动。招长期稳定车友,短期勿扰。请自备美区账号(且最近一年未加入其他家庭组),跳车不退。联系:@Tiny_beast
Translated Content (English):
#Spotify U.S. 🇺🇲Spotify premium family group, driven for 6 years, now replenishing 1 person, paying 72.5 (March-May) quarterly, price fluctuates with exchange rate. Recruit long-term stable car friends, short-term do not disturb. Please bring your own U.S. account (and have not joined another family group in the last year), no refund for jumping out of the car. Contact: @Tiny_beast
发布时间:2025-03-23 14:54:02