#Netflix 🇭🇰港区 Netflix 4k,自用5人车补2人 ,季付 62,长期车,短期勿扰,限香港节点,🈲安卓tv电视盒子,游戏机。appletv🍎的可以,后面涨价再平摊费用,提前跳车不退,翻车按比例退。第一个月20天14块,后面3月22日后正常上车联系 @morningstartes
Translated Content (English):
#Netflix 🇭🇰 Hong Kong Netflix 4k, self-use 5 people car supplement 2 people , quarterly payment 62, long-term car, short-term do not disturb, limited to Hong Kong nodes, 🈲 Android tv TV box, game consoles. appletv 🍎 can be, the back of the price increase and then equalize the cost of the car, early jumping car is not refundable. Turning over the car is refunded on a pro rata basis. The first month 20 days 14 dollars, behind the March 22nd after the normal car contact @morningstartes
发布时间:2025-03-02 00:17:10