#腾讯体育 超级VIP 畅看NBA等所有赛事(不用券),2人车等1人,可2个端同时看直播,直播有中英文解说、1080p/50帧画质等,季付28元/人,到期时间2025-04-14。有意请联系: @jzxzmy123
Translated Content (English):
#Tencent Sports SuperVIP Enjoy watching NBA and other events (no coupon), 2 people car etc. 1 person, you can watch live at the same time on 2 ends, live broadcasts with English and Chinese commentary, 1080p/50 fps quality, etc., quarterly payment of $28/person, expires on 2025-04-14. interested please contact: @jzxzmy123
发布时间:2025-01-13 18:03:51