#Apple 美区 iCloud,2TB,新开6人车补4人,333G/人,37元/季。跳车不退 翻车按比例退,超出会提醒清理,否则一周后踢出并按跳车处理,(不超总容量没事)续费前一星期联系。拉微信群,希望找长期友友。联系: @congzero1

自助拼车 1

自助拼车 2

Translated Content (English):

#Apple U.S. iCloud, 2TB, newly opened 6 people car pool 4 people, 333G/person, $37/quarter. Jumping car is not refundable Turning car is refunded proportionally, more than will be reminded to clean up, otherwise kicked out after a week and treated as jumping car, (not exceeding the total capacity is fine) Renewal of one week before the contact. We are looking for long-term friends. Contact: @congzero1

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发布时间:2025-01-13 10:53:13

