#Apple 国区 iCloud,2TB,6人车补1人,333G/人,34元/季,任何地区账号都可加入,不影响账号所在区。跳车不退 翻车按比例退,超出会提醒清理,否则一周后踢出并按跳车处理,(不超总容量没事)续费前一星期联系 拉TG群,希望找长期友友。联系: @HG1314520
Translated Content (English):
#Apple national district iCloud, 2TB, 6 people car supplement 1 person, 333G / person, 34 yuan / quarter, any regional account can join, does not affect the account where the district. Jumping car is not refundable Turning car is refunded proportionally, beyond will remind to clean up, otherwise kick out after a week and according to the jumping car processing, (not exceeding the total capacity is fine) Renewal of one week before contacting La TG group, hoping to find long-term friends and friends. Contact: @HG1314520
发布时间:2025-01-12 10:08:28