#Apple 美区 Apple One 超大杯 (Music, iCloud 2T ,Arcade, News,Fitness,TV+)6人车缺1人,费用平摊每月45,季付135,iCloud每人300G。个人长期自用车,寻长期车友。中途下车不退,下车提前一周以上告知,翻车按比例退。联系:@realAlexKan
Translated Content (English):
#The Apple One is a large cup (Music, iCloud 2T, Arcade, News, Fitness, TV+) for 6 people and 1 person is missing from the car, the cost is equalized at 45 per month, 135 per quarter, and the iCloud is 300G per person. The car will not be refunded in the middle of the day, if you get out of the car more than a week in advance, you will be refunded proportionally if the car is overturned. Contact: @realAlexKan
发布时间:2025-01-06 23:25:01