#Surge 5「Surge for MAC」5设备1个位置,买断148元,授权终身有效,在大版本中免费更新,如果出了新的版本,后续可与车友协商升级,跳车不退,人齐拉群,如要换设备可自行反激活。 联系:@zhang_7657
Translated Content (English):
#Surge 5 “Surge for MAC” 5 devices 1 position, buyout 148 yuan, the authorization is valid for life, in the big version of the free update, if out of the new version, the follow-up can be upgraded in consultation with the enthusiasts, jumping car is not refundable, the people Qi pull group, such as to change the device can be anti-activation on their own. Contact: @zhang_7657
发布时间:2025-01-06 13:40:04