#Surge [Surge for IOS] 三人车 补1人,已经开车3年,有一人跳车,1月3号刚续的费,120一人,换设备可自行反激活。后期大版本看情况讨论升级,费用平摊。跳车不退。联系:@RiseZen798

自助拼车 1

自助拼车 2

Translated Content (English):

#Surge [Surge for IOS] Triple car Replacement 1 person, has been driving for 3 years, one person jumped out of the car, just renewed the fee on January 3, 120 a person, change the device can be self-reactivated. Later on, we will discuss upgrading to a larger version, and the cost will be shared equally. Jumping out of the car is not refundable. Contact: @RiseZen798

发布时间:2025-01-04 21:12:07

