#Google One 2T🇹🇷五人车补两人,每人409G空间。空间互独立,之前被私聊骗了所以自行发车,半年付 42元,2025-9-18到期,招2️⃣位长期车友,vx群组联系,受害者优先。请自备🇺🇸区账号or无地区限制账号。下车请提前一星期告知,跳车不退翻车按比例退款,感谢理解。若需要请联系:@Mingde816

自助拼车 1

自助拼车 2

Translated Content (English):

#Google One 2T🇹🇷 five person car supplement for two people, 409G space each. The space is independent of each other, previously scammed by private chat so send your own car, half yearly payment $42, expires on 2025-9-18, recruit 2️⃣ long term riders, vx group contact, victims preferred. Please bring your own 🇺🇸 area account OR no area restriction account. Get off the car, please inform a week in advance, jump car not refund flip car proportional refund, thank you for understanding. If you need to contact: @Mingde816

发布时间:2025-03-19 19:45:02

