#Apple One 美区超大杯,含Apple Music、Apple TV+、Fitness+、Apple Arcade、News+;iCloud2T;季付140RMB,6人车差1人。2年稳定自用车,跳车不退,翻车按比例退,上车拉微信群。请自备美区ID 联系:@jrainlau

自助拼车 1

自助拼车 2

Translated Content (English):

#Apple One U.S. region oversized cup, including Apple Music, Apple TV +, Fitness +, Apple Arcade, News +; iCloud2T; quarterly payment of 140RMB, 6 people car difference of 1. 2 years of stable self-use of the car, jumping the car is not refundable, turn over the car in proportion to the refund, get on the car to pull the microblogging group. Please bring your own U.S. ID Contact:@jrainlau

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发布时间:2025-03-01 14:36:59

