#SurgeSurge for iOS】3人车 自用2设备补1人 2025年1月22日购买,120元/人,换设备自行反激活。后期大版本看情况讨论是否升级,若升级下一周期费用平摊,跳车不退。联系:@Yini_Ruohong

自助拼车 1

自助拼车 2

Translated Content (English):

#Surge 【Surge for iOS】 3-person car Self-use 2 devices to make up for 1 person Purchased on January 22, 2025, $120/person, change devices to counter-activate on your own. Later big version depends on the situation to discuss whether to upgrade, if upgraded the next cycle costs are shared equally, jumping car is not refundable. Contact: @Yini_Ruohong

发布时间:2025-01-22 10:12:51

